EGCG Studies Show Powerful cellpress Effects but Surprise All with Newly Found Weight Loss Results!!
EGCG stands for epigallocatechin-3-gallate. It is the main antioxidant in gren tea, said to be more than 100 times more powerful than Vitamin C.EGCG is responsible for the cancer-protective effect observed with green tea. It also appears to protect the heart and arteries from oxidative damage.To get an optimal dose of EGCG you should drink 4-6 cups of green tea or use an ECGC supplement containing 150 mgs per serving consumed twice daily.Besides the powerful antioxidant effects EGCG has some powerful weight loss properties. A study at the University of Chicago showed that EGCG could curb appetite up to 60 percent in animal studies. There are also numerous studies and trials supporting the metabolism enhancing properties of EGCG.One study
suggested that an EGCG supplement taken daily would lead to about 2.5 pounds of weight loss per month and another found that significant metabolism increases were observed in individuals using EGCG.These metabolic ehnhancing properties along with the appetite suppressing effects makes EGCG a must for weight conscience individuals.
There are very few products that contain enough EGCG to be effective. Zenostim from Sakaii Research contains 150mgs of EGCG per serving.This is well within the effective research study levels. Zenostim also contains other healthy ingredients like B vitamins and calcium all supporting weight loss efforts. Zenostim is a safe and highly effective product that I personally reccomend because of its EGCG dosage and pharmaceutical quality ingredients.If you can't drink 4-6 cups of green tea per day give Zenostim a try. The health benefits are too good to ignore.If you are purchasing another Green Tea supplement make sure it is standardized at a high enough rate so that you are getting 150mgs of EGCG twice daily. Remember regular green tea supplements won't provide the same protective or weight loss properties of that of a pure EGCG supplement.
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