In vivo (normal reproduction) or in vitro fertilization (IVF) of ova (female germ cells) and spermatozoa (male germ cells) forms zygotes whi...

In vivo (normal reproduction) or in vitro fertilization (IVF) of ova (female germ cells) and spermatozoa (male germ cells) forms zygotes whi...
Human stem cells have introduced many hopes in medicine. There are still many scientific questions and unknowns surrounding the issue. Stem ...
As mentioned before, determination of the moment at which human life begins is pivotal in stem cell debates. Ensoulment is defined as the ti...
During recent decades, stem cell research has posed a challenge for politicians and national and international regulatory agencies. Despite ...
Many ethical issues associated with the use of stem cells apply to biomedical research generally. Some issues which were discussed ab...
There are many patients, sci e ntists, politici a ns and e ven bioethicists who have paid tri bu te to stem cell t h erapy ...
Many scient i s t s bel i eve that people are mi s informed abo u t stem c e ll s , t h eir so u rce s , t h eir potential ...
Many people a re excited ab ou t the potenti a l benefits of st e m cells in c l in i c al practi c e. T h ere are many cla...