One of the fundamental traits of malignant tumors
is their capacity
nitely, beyond the
natural limits usually observed for most normal, differentiated cells. This
property, often referred to
as immortality, was among the very
first to be
by cellular oncologists and is regarded as a fundamental hall- mark of
the transformed phenotype (Hanahan and Weinberg,
2011). In the eye of the
stem cell
biologist, however, the capacity for extensive growth and expansion does not constitute, in
and of itself, a pathological trait. By definition, stem cells are
selectively endowed with
capacity to self-renew: they preserve intact their ability for long-term expansion over multiple rounds
of sequential divisions, and serve as a constant source of
mature cells throughout
the lifetime of an
If considered from this perspective, therefore,
immortality could be interpreted as a pathological form of self-renewal, in which
normal con- straints that regulate stem cell expansion and ensure homeostatic control of tissue size
been disabled as
mutations (Dalerba et
2007). Our ability to test
this concept has
been limited by an incomplete under- standing of the basic molecular circuitry that defines
the epigenetic
of normal stem cells and the degree to which
this circuitry is either mirrored
or hijacked by
cancer cells.
In an impressive
tour de
force that combines evidence
from two indepen- dent studies (Song et al., 2013a, 2013b), Song and colleagues have now identified miR-22 to be both a new regulator of the self-renewal machinery and a powerful oncogene that
directly targets multiple members of the
‘‘ten-eleven-transloca- tion’’ (TET) protein
family, a group of enzymes involved in DNA demethylation. In their first study
(Song et al., 2013b),
the authors examined
the effects of constitutive
miR-22 overexpression on the breast
epithelium using
transgenic mice engineered to achieve constitutive expression of miR-22
mammary epithe- lial cells. Their results indicate that miR-22 overexpression causes epithelial cells
to acquire biochemical features of the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT), such
as downregulation of E-cad- herin
and upregulation of
Zeb1. In
addi- tion,
miR-22 overexpression is associated with upregulation
Bmi1 oncogene and
an increase
the frequency of normal mammary stem/progenitor cells,
which can reconstitute full mammary epithelial trees in transplantation assays.
These changes are followed by sponta- neous neoplastic transformation of normal mouse breast epithelia
into meta- static breast
carcinomas. When
com- bined with additional oncogenic insults, such as when
transgenic mice are crossed with MMTV-PyVT or MMTV- neu transgenic mice, constitutive miR-22 overexpression accelerates both tumor
progression and metastasis. Finally, high
levels of miR-22 expression are associ- ated with high-grade tumors
and reduced survival in breast cancer patients.
In their
study (Song et al.,
2013a), the authors used a similar trans- genic approach to investigate the effects of constitutive miR-22 overexpression on mouse hematopoietic cells. In this second case,
however, miR-22
overexpression was not
specific to the hematopoietic
system and the authors decided to test the effects of increased
dosage using transplantation
assays. Constitutive miR-22 overexpression augmented the proliferative capacity
hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HSPCs),
causing them
progressively outcompete their wild-type
counterparts in cotransplanta- tion experiments.
When observed for longer periods of time, transplanted HSPCs overexpressing miR-22 gave rise to a disease reminiscent of a myelodis- plastic syndrome
(MDS), which subse- quently progressed to full-blown
acute myeloid leukemia (AML). As observed in the case of
breast cancer, high levels of miR-22 expression were associated with reduced survival in human MDS patients. In both the mammary
epithelium and the
hematopoietic system, the biological effects of
mediated by
its capacity to suppress expression of TET family members. TET
proteins are
DNA hydroxylases that convert 5-methylcyto- sine into 5-hydroxymethylcytosine to initiate DNA
demethylation (Wu and Zhang,
2011). Indeed, genetic inactivation of
TET proteins is known
disrupt the epigenetic remodeling that accom- panies normal
differentiation processes, and TET
mutations are commonly observed
in human hematological malig- nancies.
constitutive miR-22 overexpression, genetic inactivation of Tet2 in mice is associated
with a numeri- cal
expansion of HSPCs and neoplastic transformation (Cimmino et al., 2011).
In a fascinating set
of experiments, Song and collaborators
also showed that constitutive miR-22 overexpression
is associated with hypermethylation and epigenetic
silencing of
the miR-200c promoter. This is accompanied
by upre- gulation of Bmi1, a key
member of the Polycomb
group (PcG)
protein family and a core element of
the self-renewal
machinery in both hematopoietic and mammary epithelial stem cells
et al., 2003; Pietersen et al., 2008). These findings are consistent
previous re-
ports that identified human miR-200c as a direct repressor of
BMI1, limiting the expansion and tumorigenicity
breast cancer cells (Shimono et al., 2009). Impor-
tantly, the effects of miR-22 on
the expression
miR-200c and Bmi1 are mediated through a direct
interaction of
miR-22 with TET mRNAs and
be reproduced
in a
of immortalized mammary epithelial cells
by shRNA- mediated knockdown of
TET2 and TET3.
observations provide fundamental mechanistic insights into
developmental biology in that
they explain
how different arms of the
molecular machinery that shapes the epigenetic identity of stem cells work
together in an integrated sys-
tem to control the capacity to self-renew. Members of the TET family act as initia-
of DNA demethylation while Bmi1, a member of the
Polycomb repressor complex 1
(PRC1), regulates
chromatin remodeling through specific
histone mod- ifications
such as ubiquitination of lysine-

In our opinion, however, the
most compelling
finding that emerges
the aggregate work of Song
orators is that chromatin-remodeling systems with
opposing effects on
cell identity (self-renewal
versus differentia- tion) appear to directly antagonize each other through opposing sets of miRNAs (e.g. miR-22 versus miR-200c). A series of theoretical questions
thus arises. If chromatin-remodeling
systems directly antagonize each other as part of a
namic equilibrium between
self-renewal and differentiation, what tilts the balance toward
one fate or the other? Under phys- iological conditions, what makes changes in stem cell identity (i.e.,
differentiation) irreversible? The answer to these ques- tions lies in
a more advanced, systems- level understanding of these
molecular circuitries
in a
deeper characteriza- tion of their positive
negative feed-
back loops. For example, are members of the Polycomb family able to
regulate miR-22
expression? If so, do they posi- tively
affect miR-22 expression,
‘‘locking’’ the
stem cell identity
in a self- reinforcing loop, or do
they suppress it, thus ‘‘limiting’’ the stem cell identity in a cell-autonomous
manner? The challenge for the future
be to develop new experimental approaches,
and mathematical algorithms, to model the
inte- grated action of these complex relation-
ships and their impact
on cell
fate (Sahoo, 2012).
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