The promise of
cell therapies has
been profoundly advanced by
the seminal finding that differentiated cells can be re- programmed
to pluripotent stem cells by overexpression of a cocktail of
transcrip- tion factors
(Takahashi and Yamanaka,
2006). However this process is very ineffi- cient, and understanding the barriers to
reprogramming has become an
intense area
of study. The 3D organization of
the genome is correlated
with transcriptional control; for example,
chromatin loops bring
enhancers into physical proximity with their gene targets
(Kagey et
al., 2010) and coregulated
genes occupy shared nuclear foci, enriched
in key transcription factors (Schoenfelder et al., 2010) specifically
the cell types where the
genes are expressed.
recent studies have analyzed the
interactions with key pluripotency genes in mouse and human pluripotent
and differentiated cells, and they have uncov- ered networks
of interactions that are specific to embryonic stem cells
(ESCs) or induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). One
the recent studies showed
that binding of overexpressed OCT4 and NANOG
at gene loci was identical
between human iPSCs and
unreprog- rammed cells from the same experiment, but that enhancer-promoter loops within OCT4,
loci were specific to
iPSCs, concomitant with tran- scription from
these endogenous
loci (Zhang et al., 2013). Looking more sys- tematically, two groups assessed chro- matin interactions
genome-wide with the pluripotency genes Nanog or
Oct4 (Apostolou et al., 2013; Wei et al., 2013), and another
simultaneously screened
the chromatin conformations around
several key loci
(Phillips-Cremins et al., 2013) in mouse ESCs and
their differ- entiated
counterparts. Again, a set of enhancer-promoter loops and longer- range (over several megabases or
across different chromosomes) gene coassocia-
tions were unique to pluripotent
intermediates being successfully reprog- rammed to iPSCs, despite
equal binding
profiles of the overexpressed
transcrip- tion factors.
research has implicated several protein factors to
respon- sible for chromatin
interactions.Protein- protein interactions among transcription factors bound to promoters
and en- hancers stimulate chromatin
looping (Deng et al., 2012) and longer-range coas- sociations (Schoenfelder et al., 2010), and more
general, non-cell-type-specific fac- tors have also been implicated in genome folding. These include
the insulator-bind- ing
CTCF (Splinter
et al., 2006), the cohesin complex that mediates sister chromatid cohesion (Kagey et al., 2010), and the transcriptional
coactivator com-
plex, Mediator (Kagey et al., 2010). Again, demonstrating
a causal relationship between binding of these proteins
and formation of chromatin
has been difficult (Deng et al., 2012). Collectively, the four
recent studies shed further light on the
between transcription factors and
the ‘‘architectural’’ proteins in
establishing functional chro- matin interactions. Phillips-
Cremins et al. (2013), in the most detailed
analysis of genome folding around several pluripotency gene loci,
reveal that chromatin
loops are prev- alently formed around binding sites of the
architectural pro-either be involved in
loops at cell states
that have
not yet been investigated, or
they may function in different mechanisms to
maintain plu- ripotency. Finally, these studies highlighted gene loop
formation for transcriptional activation, but
programmed gene loops
may be equally important in order to mask dif- ferentiation-specific genes in ESCs or during reprogramming to iPSCs, an issue
that remains open for future studies. teins cohesin, CTCF, and/or Mediator, with significantly less contribution from the binding sites
of the
pluripo- tency transcription factors Oct4, Sox2, and Nanog. Inter-
estingly, by comparing ESC and neural precursor interac- tion profiles, the authors were
distinguish two
Figure 1. Model for the Role
of Chromatin Interactions in Mediating
Overexpressed Yamanaka
transcription factors (blue ovals) bind to motifs at the
promoters and
enhancers of pluripotency
(purple rectangles) in
differentiated tissues
(left panel), but very few are reprogrammed to iPSCs. Chance chromatin interactions
between enhancers and
promoters, and be- tween pluripotency genes,
required for reprogramming (right panel), and are reinforced by further
recruitment of the ‘‘architectural proteins’’ Mediator
(yellow squares) and cohesin rings (orange circles), providing
transcriptional activation of the pluripotency
We thank Cyril Sarrauste for
the artwork.
We apologize to
colleagues whose work we could
not cite due
to space constraints.
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