Heterogeneity in transcription factor
expression is commonly observed by im- munostaining and
thus reflects
In some cases,
knockin of a fluo- rescent reporter (FP) has been
used to
infer transcriptional regulation. Nanog is studied frequently
because it plays key roles in
establishment of pluripotency, self-renewal, and reprogramming. Nanog reporters are expressed heterogeneously in ESCs cultured in serum and LIF without feeders. Furthermore, they indicate that a fraction of cells can revert from Nanog low to Nanog
states (Chambers et al.,
2007). Similar observations for Rex1 and Stella reporters have led to the proposition that ESCs experience dynamic heteroge- neity and that such metastability may be an essential component of pluripotent identity
(Hayashi et al., 2008; Toyooka et al.,
2008). However, if inductive signaling through the fibroblast
factor/mitogen-activated protein
kinase pathway
is blocked and activity of glycogen synthase kinase 3 is inhibited
with two small molecules (2i),
ESCs are highly homogenous yet fully
pluripotent even in the
absence of
feeders (Wray et al., 2010). Heterogeneity and fluctua- tion are therefore culture-induced pertur- bations
and their
relevance to potency or fate choice is questionable. Nonetheless, these phenomena continue
to attract in- terest. To add fuel
to this debate, it has
been suggested
monoallelic expression may underlie Nanog heteroge- neity (Miyanari and Torres-Padilla, 2012). This inference is
based primarily on local- ization of
nascent transcription sites by RNA FISH, although the authors also claim
that it is reflected in the alternating expres-
sion of fluorescent reporters.
Contrary to these previous findings, in this
Faddah et al. (2013) now describe a failure
to detect significant
heterogeneous expression using new Nanog:FP knockin reporters and single- molecule mRNA
FISH. These
authors ascribe previous results to artifacts
endogenous gene disruption. Indeed, the
authors show
some differences be- tween reporters—a useful reminder that a knockin cannot blithely be assumed to
recapitulate all aspects of
normal regula- tion. Remarkably, however, Faddah et al. did not examine ESCs without feeders in
serum and LIF, and therefore
cannot draw conclusions pertinent to the circum- stance in
which heterogeneity has been documented. It would
be intriguing if their reporter remained
homogeneously expressed in these conditions, unlike Nanog protein. In a second
report, Fili- pczyk et
(2013) create functional Nanog-FP
fusion proteins and generate reporters that are anticipated to mirror normal Nanog
protein distribution. These authors do employ feeder-free culture and observe heterogeneity
in serum and LIF compared to
relative homogeneity in
2i. The interesting feature of this report is that
in both conditions
high correlation between reporters expressed from
either allele, as also seen by Faddah et al. (2013). This finding
therefore chal- lenges the idea that there is significant
monoallelic expression of Nanog
and points to sporadic transcriptional bursting as an alternative
explanation for the previ-
ous FISH results. Why
the burst interval should be longer
Nanog than
other pluripotency factors expressed at
similar mRNA levels is unknown.
aside disputes over construct design,
the real
is whether
Nanog heterogeneity in ESCs under certain condi- tions has biological meaning. Without
2i, ESCs in serum
and LIF show
variegated expression not
only of
but also
of several other pluripo-
tency transcription factors.
These factors,
such as Klf4, Esrrb, and Rex1, are typically downregulated
at the onset of ESC differ- entiation,
during implantation in
the embryo, and in cultured
postimplantation epiblast stem cells (EpiSCs) (Nichols and Smith, 2012). This observation, along with the readily detected upregulation of
early differentiation markers, suggests
that feeder-free ESCs in serum
and LIF
comprise both self-renewing
and a spectrum of cells in transition toward differentiation (Marks et al., 2012). The conflicting stimuli provided
by serum may promote disorder, while the potent activity of LIF as both a self-renewal and a reprog- ramming signal (Yang et al., 2010) may induce reversion during transition. How-
ever, it should be noted that a substantial proportion of Nanog low cells are destined for differentiation and shedding from the culture during
passaging (Chambers et al., 2007). Thus, the ESC heterogeneity
that has been
documented may well
be primarily
a consequence of a disordered signaling environment
created by
a spe- cific set of in vitro conditions. This culture specificity raises
questions about
overall functional significance. Nanog expression in the very early embryo appears to fluc-
stochastically. However,
that form
of heterogeneity precedes
emergence of the
pluripotent epiblast, in which
Nanog expression is consolidated and from which ESCs
are actually
derived (Nichols and Smith, 2012). Importantly, there is currently no evidence that either fluctuating expres-
sion of pluripotency
factors or state rever- sion
occurs during
progression and lineage commitment in vivo. Instead, the
that many
have observed
may simply be a culture epiphenomenon: an attractive playbox for experimentalists and modellers, but with questionable
relevance for the way in which pluripotent cells
really make fate decisions.
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